1 - This is not Fair

My Girlfriend Was Saying: “Why Did God Give Women Periods With Cramp Pains And Men Nothing?” 

I Told her: “Don’t Be Silly, He Gave Us Women.“

2 - When Boys And Girls Miss Each Other

When A Girl Misses Her Love …… Her Heart Pain.

But When A Boy Misses His Love …… His Hands Pain

3 - Teacher to Boy:

Teacher : whoever answers my next question, can go home.

One Student throws his bag out the window

Teacher! : who just threw that?!

Student : Me! I’m going home now.

4 - Naughty Students:

The children were told to lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic Elementary school for lunch.

 At the head of the table was a large pile of apples.  The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray,

“Take only one. God is watching.”

Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies.

One child whispered to another, “Take all you want.  God is watching the apples.”

5 - Joey and Katie are sitting in school:

Joey and Katie are sitting in school.

 Katie is sleeping now and the teacher asks her a question. "Katie, who created Earth and Haven?" Joey

sees Katie sleeping and quickly pokes her with a sharp Pen. "Jesus Christ almighty! !" Exclaimed Katie.

 "Correct." Says the teacher. So the next day the same incident occurs and the same question comes up

"Who created Heaven and Earth?"  Katie (Again sleeping) is poked by Joey's Pen "Jesus Christ

almighty!" she exclaims. "Correct again."(10/10) Says the teacher. So the next day, for a 3rd time, The

Teacher asks Katie "What did Eve say to Adam when she had so many children?" Katie (again

sleeping) is poked by Joey's Pen again, and screams "If you stick that thing in me one more time I am 

going to crack it in half!"

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